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Quebec's National Holiday : June 24

This is when the province of Quebec is celebrated. Several festive events are organized in different regions of Quebec.

Canada Day: July 1

Several activities are organized across the regions. In Quebec City, festivities take place on the Dufferin Terrace and on the Plains of Abraham.

March 17: St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day is a Christian holiday that celebrates the patron saint of Ireland. In the 19th century, several Irish people lived in Quebec and today, many Quebecers have Irish origins.

April 1: April Fool's Day

Day where we make hoaxes, jokes, pranks to our friends and families. Important celebration in Quebec schools.

2nd Sunday in May: Mother's Day

On this day, moms are honored.

3rd Sunday in June: Father's Day

On this day, dads are honored.

Last 2 weeks of July: Construction holidays

All construction workers in Quebec are on vacation.

October 31: Halloween 

The children, generally in costume, go from house to house in their neighborhood, asking for candys. Parties are organized in several houses, bars and restaurants for the occasion, and people are invited to dress up.

November 11: Remembrance Day 

Day in honor of fallen soldiers.

December 26: Boxing day

Sales day in Quebec.

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In Quebec, tips are cultural. For a good service, we will generally leave 15 % of the price of the bill. Tipping is not mandatory, but not leaving it will be considered dissatisfaction on your part.

A cultural practice

It is important to note that in Quebec, tips are not included on the invoice, even if they constitute a major part of the income of certain employees. Indeed, tipping is so common that “tip employees” receive a lower minimum wage.

The tip received when paying by credit card is automatically given to the employee concerned.

How much to give?

  • Restaurants / bars: If satisfied, 15 % or more of the invoice amount
  • Restaurant delivery person: 10 %
  • Grocery delivery person: $1 to $2
  • Taxi driver: 10 % of the price of the trip
  • Tourist guide: depending on the activity

Of course, you do not have to do so if you are dissatisfied with the service provided.

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Quebecers are extremely attached to the French language and make great efforts to preserve and promote it. Quebec is the only province in Canada with French as an official language. French is the symbol of belonging to Quebec society.

Moreover, in Quebec, laws have been adopted to affirm the Francophone identity, protect language rights, promote the development of the French language and guarantee the English-speaking minority the use of its language and of its institutions.

Historically, the basis of Quebec French is the popular French of the 17th and 18th centuries. Originally, the settlers came from different regions and spoke several dialects. Quebecois and French languages are as distant from each other as American and English. Also, you should know that Quebecers use a lot of anglicisms.
