Mise à l'eau - Geneviève Trépanier

Capitale-Nationale, Québec

2 des Bouleaux,
Sainte-Brigitte-de-Laval, Québec, G0A 3K0

See on the map

The site is administered by the Montmorency River Access Group (GAM). The GAM is supported by the city of Ste-Brigitte-de-laval and donations from users. 

Thrill-seekers and downhill canoeists and river kayakers come from as far as New England to compete against the tumultuous waves of the Montmorency River.

Geneviève-Trépanier's lot located at 2, rue des Bouleaux is the exit point for the Momo B section or the starting point for the Momo C section. It is also very popular for swimming, fishing and relaxing on the river banks.

In order to respect the residents of the island and the users of the site, the GAM insists on the importance of drinving slowly on Enchanted Island (20km/h).s.

Other :

- Access trail and parking;

- Outhouse;

- Locker room;

- Picnic table;

- Plants and wildlife species informations. 

Visit www.sbdl.net for up-to-date information on current sanitary measures.


Make a donation


beach of l'île enchateresse in sainte brigitte de laval

Meyer Simon, May 30, 2024

Mise à l'eau - Geneviève Trépanier

Il y a une petite plage au bout de l’île et la baignade est possible.