Mise à l'eau - Shannon

Capitale-Nationale, Québec

Shannon, Québec, G3N 1C1

See on the map

The launch is free and gives you access to the Jacques-Cartier River at the foot of the BIG DAM rapid.

Although the end of the rapid (right next to the launch) is used by kayakers for training, the rapid is extremely dangerous and impassable. Most of the kayakers sail in the island sector, where the current is very weak from July. The section of river between Shannon and Pont-Rouge is 25 km long.

The first part is a section of 11 km where the current is strong, but the rapids are grouped together for the last 5 km only: several RII, some RIII, a threshold V, a few RIV waterfalls and a drop of several feet (portage).

The second part (Grand-Remous) presents the same topography, ie rapids over its last 5 km: RII, RIII and some RIVs.

Please note that it is not possible to camp on the course. The portages are in good condition.




Team Bside, October 30, 2023

Mise à l'eau - Shannon

La mise à l'eau est très pratique et permet de naviguer une section calme de la rivière Jacque-Cartier. Soyez informé du niveau d'eau et soyez sur d'avoir une carte de crédit pour payer le stationnement.